California state Sen. Leland Yee arrested in corruption case

Re: California state Sen. Leland Yee arrested in corruption case

by Longshadow in Vermont

Note the simple logic of what Yee was doing: arguing there was a pressing need for more stringent gun control laws, while facilitating the illegal importation of machine guns and rocket launchers in return for bribes. The connection is clear: to the extent more machine guns are made available to criminals via Yee’s gun-running to commit their mischief, Yee’s gun control obsession would be fed with a steady flow of gun violence and associated dead bodies, fueling the MSM anti-gun narrative, which he could then exploit as further evidence of the urgent need to pass more draconian restrictions on the right of law-abiding citizens to protect themselves.

This is similar to campaigning for laws banning the purchase and ownership of flammable liquids while selling gasoline to arsonists, and then pointing at the ensuing conflagrations as proof of how urgent it is to pass his pet legislation. Or, if you prefer, it’s like campaigning for more strict anti-drug laws while aiding the drug cartels importation of more illegal drugs, which causes more violence and death that can be used to promote the anti-drug legislation. 

It’s diabolically brilliant political boot-strapping — like an alcohol rehab business owner who is secretly helping to sell booze to drunks — Yee was stimulating demand for his own liberty-destroying legislation.

And if you think he’s the only anti-Second amendment politician doing this, I have a bridge in Brooklynrocket launcher in San Francisco I’d like to sell you.

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